Stakeholder views of the integration of community pharmacy and primary health care teams



Community pharmacist; primary care physician; primary health care team; integration; qualitative research


Introduction: Due to the lack of integration of community pharmacy and primary health care teams a study was designed to explore the views of stakeholders in the Basque health care system (Osakidetza) on the integration of community pharmacy and primary healthcare teams.

Method: A qualitative study, using focus group technique was used. The group met in the Gros health care center (IHO Donostialdea). There were 6 participants from the Basque primary health care system and 2 from community pharmacy. The whole focus group process followed the “Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR”) and data generated was thematic content analysis.

Results: The group identified the inherent strengths of community pharmacy as accessibility, geographical distribution and frequency of visits by patients. Pharmacy was seen as a resource that was not optimally used. Despite the philosophical dilemma posed by the integration of a private (community pharmacy) and public (salaried health care professionals) sector, there was seen a need for interprofessional collaboration, via functional integration due to the complexities and length of time required. The starting point was identified as existing relatively small local programs with specific objectives and measurable outcomes that increase communication and build mutual confidence. The content analysis indicated a number of barriers and identified potential stakeholders that should codesign any future potential integration program.

Conclusions: There was general support for the integration of community pharmacy in the primary care system however this was tempered with significant barriers which would suggest a lengthy and complex process.


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How to Cite

Gastelurrutia, M. Ángel, Benrimoj, S. I., Goyenechea, E., García-Cárdenas, V., Aizpurua, X., & Martínez-Martínez, F. (2021). Stakeholder views of the integration of community pharmacy and primary health care teams. Pharmaceutical Care España, 23(6), 33–44. Retrieved from


