About the Journal

Focus and scope

Pharmaceutical Care España (Pharm Care Esp.) publishes papers on the characteristic processes of Pharmaceutical Care:

  • Medication dispensing.
  • Pharmaceutical indication.
  • Pharmacotherapeutic follow-up.
  • Professional Pharmaceutical Care Services (SPFA) that can be performed in or from the pharmacy.

This includes activities related to health education and the rational and efficient use of medicines that are carried out by community and/or hospital pharmacies or in which pharmacists participate.

Pharm Care Esp publishes original articles, reviews, consensus documents, clinical notes and expert opinions. Reviews on drugs or pathologies focused on the practice of Pharmaceutical Care are also published.

Pharm Care Esp. is an open access journal, which means that all of its content is freely accessible without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are authorized to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles in this journal without prior permission from the publisher or author, in accordance with the BOAI open Access definition.

This journal does not charge submission fees, nor does it charge fees for the publication of its articles. The CC BY-NC-SA license, which is that of the journal articles, allows others to distribute and copy the article and include it in a collective work (such as an anthology) as long as there is no commercial purpose, the article is not altered or modified, and as long as authorship is indicated and the original work is properly cited.

Publication Schedule

This is a continuous publication journal, which means that articles will be published as the editorial production process concludes, regardless of the day of the year. In this way, the most recent articles will be presented on the home page. Subsequently, at the end of the year, all published articles will be grouped in an issue that will be added to the list of published issues. In this way, authors will not have to wait to see their article published online and available to all readers.