Counseling integrated with Comprehensive Medication Management. Emotion management of chronic diseases



Counseling; Medication Therapy Management; Emotions; Community Pharmacy Services; Interdisciplinary Health Teams


A case of a patient who receives Comprehensive Medication Management-CMM- integrated with counseling is presented. The patient shows difficulties in controlling blood pressure after having been treated with different antihypertensives and she refers this lack of control is related with her emotional status. This patient was highly anxious and emotionally affected. She associates her difficulty in controlling her blood pressure to emotional circumstances. The care team considers that she can benefit from counseling strategies to manage emotions integrated with CMM. After evaluating the interdisciplinary interventions, blood pressure normalizes, antihypertensive medication is reduced, other health problems are resolved and greater control and capacity for self-management are perceived. By incorporating emotion management into CMM, we enhance the patients' own resources, promote their self-knowledge, improve the decision-making process, and promote satisfactory attitudes. For these reasons, their suffering is reduced and their well-being increased, allowing a positive effect on pharmacotherapy.


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How to Cite

Barrera Salvador, A., Parra Parra, E., & Silva-Castro, M. M. (2021). Counseling integrated with Comprehensive Medication Management. Emotion management of chronic diseases. Pharmaceutical Care España, 23(4), 19–28. Retrieved from



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