Definition and characterization of the phenomenon "Diagnosis of Drug-Generated Ballast"


  • Diana Laura García Martín Farmaceutica comunitaria



Adverse drugs reactions (ADR), Diagnosis load Generated by Medications (DLGM), Negative Outcomes Releated to Mediccines (NOMs), Clinical pharmacy services.


The present study was proposed for the identification the phenomenon "Diagnosis load Generated by Medications" (DLGM), which is the pharmaceutical translation to the medical interpretation of a health problem generated by medications and attributed to clinical causes with the consequent loss of identity limiting its identification and handling. There will be no improvement of the desease if the cause of the problem is not corrected, so worsening and persistence of the disease marked by pharmacotherapeutic failure is to be expected, making the health problem a real burden for patients to waiting to be identified.

The proposal of an algorithm characterising the problem as a screening tool has been applied to 10 patients in the pharmacotherapeutic monitoring service, confirming the suspicion of DLGM, and demonstrating that adverse drugs reactions had acquired the identity of a disease. DLGM could be defined as the entity that arises from diagnosing a disease on a negative results associated to medicine use and that therefore does not receive adequate treatment.

The identification of the DLGM phenomenon allows the detection of many Negative Outcomes Releated to Mediccines (NOMs) and contributes to their adequate treatment.

Not identifying DLGM complicates the clinical condition of the patient and his/her recovery.


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How to Cite

García Martín, D. L. (2023). Definition and characterization of the phenomenon "Diagnosis of Drug-Generated Ballast". Pharmaceutical Care España, 25(1), 37–48.


