Biopsychosocial Model Integration in the implementation of Comprehensive Medication Management for patients treated in an oncological institution in Colombia


  • Adriana Serrano Uribe Farmacéutica Investigadora. CAL- ONCOLÓGICOS
  • Martha Milena Silva Castro Vocalía de Investigación Sociedad Española de Optimización de la Farmacoterapia
  • Fabio Alejandro Olivella Cicero Servicio de Oncología. CAL- ONCOLÓGICOS
  • Paula Ximena Lanchero Cáceres Servicio Farmacéutico. CAL- ONCOLÓGICOS
  • Tómas Carlos Durán Blanco Gerente CAL- ONCOLÓGICOS



Comprehensive Medication Management; Medication Therapy Management; Pharmaceutical Services; Oncology Services; Biopsychosocial Model; Quality of Life


Introduction: People with cancer need to receive care focused on biopsychosocial aspects, considering medication experience (MedExp), disease and illness progression, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The results of the Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) implemented in a Colombian institution specialized in oncology are presented.

Method: Mixed observational, descriptive, and prospective qualitative-quantitative design. Data were obtained by triangulating qualitative (in-depth interviews and participant observation) and quantitative techniques (clinical interviews with validated questionnaires). Data was collected through interviews carried out face-to-face and remotely due to the pandemic situation during February-October 2021. According to CMM standards, the pharmacotherapeutic history was obtained, recorded, and MedExp and HRQoL were analyzed using Medicines Optimization Software®.

Results: The standards of pharmaceutical care practice were established through the implementation of a SWOT analysis to support care process. The oncology service referred 17 people; 10 women agreed to participate. Thirty interviews were completed collecting narratives about experiences, observations and contextualized clinical data from which biopsychosocial interventions were carried out. Clinical results obtained were: 2 clinical conditions resolved, 2 improved, 7 stable, 9 partially improved and 4 unimprovement. After receiving CMM, the participants improved their self-perception of health, and HRQoL dimensions of mobility, daily activities, and anxiety/depression improved.

Conclusions: Through the implementing of CMM, clinical conditions related to the patients’ medications were improved. Results guided the actions to be followed when implementing this biopsychosocial model in the institution. Providing benefits for patients and caregivers, in terms of avoiding the deterioration of quality of life despite suffering from of oncological diseases.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Serrano Uribe, Farmacéutica Investigadora. CAL- ONCOLÓGICOS

Máster en Atención Farmacéutica y Farmacoterapia. Química Farmacéutica.

Martha Milena Silva Castro, Vocalía de Investigación Sociedad Española de Optimización de la Farmacoterapia

Doctora en Farmacia y Antropóloga

Fabio Alejandro Olivella Cicero, Servicio de Oncología. CAL- ONCOLÓGICOS

Oncólogo clínico

Paula Ximena Lanchero Cáceres, Servicio Farmacéutico. CAL- ONCOLÓGICOS

Química Farmacéutica

Tómas Carlos Durán Blanco, Gerente CAL- ONCOLÓGICOS



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How to Cite

Serrano Uribe, A., Silva Castro, M. M., Olivella Cicero, F. A., Lanchero Cáceres, P. X., & Durán Blanco, T. C. (2023). Biopsychosocial Model Integration in the implementation of Comprehensive Medication Management for patients treated in an oncological institution in Colombia. Pharmaceutical Care España, 25(5), 20–39.


