
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has been adapted to the journal's templates for the preparation of manuscripts.
  • The cover letter has been entered as a text in “Comments to the editor” section.
  • Web addresses and DOI identifiers have been added for references where possible.
  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • The petition has not been previously published, nor it has been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in “Comments to the editor”).
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and Vancouver style requirements stated in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

General recommendations: The journal Pharmaceutical Care España adheres to the "recommendations for uniformity of manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: writing and editing for biomedical publications developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors", whose official text is available at:

Manuscripts that do not comply with these recommendations will not be accepted, except in the case of minor non-compliances that, in the opinion of the editorial committee, can be corrected.

Originality of papers: Papers previously published or submitted at the same time to another journal will not be accepted. Papers previously presented as communications to congresses can be considered as long as these have been partial and the manuscript develops or extends the object of the research.

Papers that have been partially published (for example: the methodology used, part of the results, the previous bibliographic review) may be accepted, provided that this circumstance is clearly stated in the text of the publication.

Ethical recommendations: Indicate in the method whether the study has been authorized by the corresponding Clinical Research Ethics Committee. It should be stated that the patient data have been obtained after signing the informed consent when this is necessary, or it should be stated that the protocols of each health center have been followed to obtain the clinical data.

Authorship: Only persons who have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the development of the work should be listed as authors, according to the uniformity recommendations for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (see authorship contribution policy).

Conflict of interest: The authors of any work submitted to the journal are responsible for recognizing and declaring the existence of any economic or other type of conflict of interest that could imply a bias in the work. In addition, the cover letter should specify all financial support received that has made possible the realization of the work.

If there is no conflict of interest, this circumstance should also be reflected in the manuscript.

Sections and editing rules

Articles should be submitted electronically through the Pharmaceutical Care Foundation's web page by entering the Journal section, click on one of the issues and Register. You can also access from the following link

The following links provide a simple explanation of how to register and submit an article:

Tutorial to register in the magazine >>

Tutorial on how to submit an article to the journal >>

Manuscripts published in Pharm Care Esp are classified in the categories detailed in the Section Policies of the journal.



To refer to the processes that constitute Pharmaceutical Care, the terms used will be those included in the Consensus Document of the Pharmaceutical Care Forum, with the exception of opinion articles in which the suitability of the work is debated or which have been carried out outside Spain.

Format for submission of materials

The manuscript should be prepared using the templates for the submission of originals and should be entered into the system in two files, corresponding to the title page and the body of the manuscript.

Title page (download) >>

Body of the article (download)

Once you have registered as an author, you must follow the steps of the system. In section 3 Enter the metadata of the submission, all authors and their affiliation must be entered.

The articles will be entered in the system in several files, corresponding to the title page, body of the manuscript (including bibliography, tables and figures).

Cover letter: All papers submitted to Pharm Care Esp must be accompanied by a text to be entered in the "Comments to the editor" field in step 1. This text should include:

  • The title of the paper and the category in which it is intended to be published.
  • The statement that the work has not been published previously, nor has it been sent simultaneously to other publications. If any part of the work has been published, a copy of the publication(s) should be sent together with the manuscript or a complete reference should be attached to allow its location.
  • The mention of possible conflicts of interest or the declaration that there are no conflicts of interest.

In addition, whenever appropriate, the following should be detailed:

  • The grants or financial support received for the research from which the article derives.
  • The pertinent authorizations for the reproduction of already published materials included in the manuscript.


Title page

It consists of a template in which the following sections must be completed

  • Title of the paper in English and Spanish. Concise titles are preferable, although it is necessary that they adequately inform about the content of the work. The use of acronyms in the title is not allowed.
  • Full name and first surname of each author.
  • ORCID identifier of each author on the same line as the name (see template title page).
  • Affiliation of each author. For this purpose, Arabic numerals and superscript numbers should be used to relate each author with the data corresponding to the position held and the institution to which he/she belongs, including the city and country where he/she is located. The use of acronyms is not allowed.
  • Reduced title
  • Address for correspondence, including e-mail and contact telephone number.
  • Total word count.
  • List of acronyms used in the text of the manuscript.
  • Full names and venues of congresses or scientific meetings where the work has been presented, if applicable.

Body of the article

A template is also used in which, in addition to the title of the paper in Spanish and English, the following sections will be included:

Abstract: It will comply with the stipulated structure and length, and will be written in Spanish and English with identical content. It is important that the abstract adequately informs about the content of the article including the main results and conclusions. Do not use abbreviations.

Keywords: Three to six terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) should be used, that identify and catalogue the content of the paper for inclusion in indexes and databases,

Introduction: It should clearly describe the reasons why the work has been carried out, citing only pertinent references and avoiding any reference to the findings and conclusions obtained. The purpose of the article or the objectives of the research work should be included at the end of the introduction.

Methods: The methodology should be described in such a way as to guarantee the reproducibility of the study,

It should describe at least the following points:

  • The type of study performed.
  • The target population.
  • The criteria for inclusion and exclusion of subjects.
  • The formula used to calculate the sample.
  • The variables studied.
  • The statistical methods used to analyze the results.
  • The computer tools used.

The procedures and materials used will also be reported, referencing those previously described and explaining in detail those specifically designed for this study.

Results: they should be presented clearly and in a logical order. Both positive and negative findings obtained in the work should be included. When numerical data are provided, both absolute values and percentages should be included and such data should not be repeated in the text and in the tables or figures.

Tables and figures should be restricted to those strictly necessary to present the data obtained in relation to the objectives of the study.

Terms such as significant, normal or sample should not be used if they do not refer to statistical concepts.

Discussion: the authors should interpret the results, emphasizing the most relevant ones and comparing them with the relevant information available in the scientific literature, avoiding speculation. It is important to analyze the practical application of the results, suggest future research and mention possible limitations of the study.

Repetition of data already provided in the results should be avoided, although it is advisable to start the discussion by highlighting the most relevant ones.

Conclusions: these should be specifically detailed at the end of the manuscript. All of them should be related to the objectives of the study and be supported by the results obtained in the study.

If necessary, an Acknowledgements section can be included before the bibliography. Only persons or institutions that have expressly agreed to be cited and whose collaboration has been relevant should be included, excluding, for example, those who have performed merely administrative tasks.

Bibliography: The bibliographic sources used should be referenced in the manuscript by means of Arabic numerals in superscript, between parentheses and in orange (so that they are not confused with a power or any other digit in superscript), with consecutive numbering according to their appearance in the text, tables and figures. The use of hyperlinks in the word processor for citation of bibliographic references in the manuscript should be avoided.

The style and presentation of the references should follow the Vancouve style, the rules contained in The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. Published by the National Library of Medicine of the USA and available at

Citations related to personal communications should not be included unless they are essential and provide information not published in any medium. In this case, the person providing the information and the date on which it was provided should be cited in parentheses in the text itself and a document of agreement signed by the person mentioned should be provided.

Tables: Only one table per page shall be presented, identified with Arabic numerals, which shall be cited correlatively in the text. Each table must have its corresponding title and may include a legend if necessary. Tables including a large number of data will not be accepted.

Figures: Only one figure per page should also be presented.  The legends should be included at the end, together, on a separate sheet, indicating their corresponding number in Arabic characters.

Acronyms: It is recommended to limit the number of acronyms to a maximum of 6 throughout the text. When they are used for the first time, they should be preceded by the words they represent and cited in parentheses.

Denominations for drugs: The International Nonproprietary Names (INN) should be used, although if the authors consider it necessary, it will be accepted to include the trade names inserted in parentheses after the corresponding INN.

Authorizations: In those cases in which materials from other publications are used, these must be accompanied by written permission from the author and the corresponding publisher authorizing their reproduction in our journal.


Son artículos de investigación observacionales o experimentales escritos en formato IMRDC (Introducción, métodos, resultados, discusión y conclusiones).

Estructura y extensión orientativa

  • Resumen:  Objetivo, Método, Resultado y Conclusión | 250 palabras
  • Abstract en inglés
  • Cuerpo del artículo: IMRD (Introducción, Método, Resultados y Discusión)
  • Palabras: 3000
  • Tablas y figuras: 6
  • Referencias: 30

Original breve

Artículos de investigación observacionales o experimentales escritos en formato IMRDC (Introducción, métodos, resultados, discusión y conclusiones).  

Estructura y extensión orientativa

  • Resumen:  Objetivo, Método, Resultado y Conclusión | 150 palabras
  • Cuerpo del artículo: IMRD (Introducción, Método, Resultados y Discusión)
  • Palabras: 1.500
  • Tablas y figuras: 2
  • Referencias: 5

Casos clínicos

Descripción de casos clínicos de especial interés que presenten información/novedades relevantes para el ejercicio profesional.

Estructura y extensión orientativa

  • Resumen: 150 palabras
  • Cuerpo del artículo: Introducción, Presentación del caso, Evaluación, Resultados, Conclusiones)
  • Palabras: 1200
  • Tablas y figuras: 6
  • Referencias: 5


Revisiones bibliográficas exhaustivas sobre un tema concreto relacionado con la AF. Se recomienda a los autores que se utilice la metodología de la revisión sistemática.

Estructura y extensión orientativa

  • Resumen:  Objetivo, Método, Resultado y Conclusión (250 palabras)
  • Cuerpo del artículo: Introducción, Método, Resultados y Discusión
  • Palabras: 3000
  • Tablas y figuras: 4
  • Referencias: 30


Observación científica o de opinión sobre trabajos publicados recientemente en la revista, así como otros temas de relevante actualidad.

Estructura y extensión orientativa

  • Resumen:  No
  • Cuerpo del artículo: Libre
  • Palabras: 500
  • Tablas y figuras: 1
  • Referencias: 5

Revisión bibliográfica

Atención Farmacéutica en la  bibliografía Nacional e Internacional

Reseñas/resúmenes de artículos publicados en  revistas nacionales e internacionales y de especial interés para el desarrollo de la Atención Farmacéutica.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.